Kathi Hendrick, Independent Licensed Ishtara Teacher
Meet Kathi
I am. I am an artist, poet, dancer, designer, facilitator, and guide. I am multi-dimensional. Just like you.
From an early age until early adulthood, I engaged in rigorous ballet training. Like many on the path, I experienced physical and emotional pain along the way. Over time, I unconsciously created more and more distance between my mind and my body as a way to manage the pain and disappointment. This was only furthered by the social and cultural pressures I felt around me. As a result, I gave more and more status to my mind, prioritizing intellectual pursuits. When the alarm bells of anxiety, depression, and chronic fatigue began ringing loudly enough, I began a long, nonlinear journey of healing that ultimately led me back home to where my deepest intelligence resides: my body.
Between descending moon
and rising sun
there is a Goddess
holding each in her palms
as she calls back All lost souls
into the temple of her body
before the altar of her heart.
She will split storming skies
to guide you
to the keys of your chains
to the fire around which you once danced
through the burn of rupture and rapture
into the innermost sanctum
to re-member.
Having explored many different modalities within healing and soul-centric spaces in both formal study and deep practice - including yoga, meditation, psychology, among others - I've found that the most profound transformation has happened when I have directly engaged my body and nervous system in the conversation. As I've explored my own body through the Ishtara Method, I've discovered her innate intelligence to release old patterns and stories - physically, emotionally, psychologically, and spiritually - and return to an essential wholeness with tremendous wisdom and creative capacity. I’ve realized that the path of healing can be gentle and pleasurable when the body and heart leads the way.
I am devoted to wholeness, beauty and truth. I have a deep respect for Nature and passion for participating in the design of a more regenerative, integrated world where we align ourselves to natural order. I believe descending into the body and experiencing the vast complexity and deep wisdom residing within ourselves is a path to become even more whole, integrated and creative as individuals and connected to the co-creative potential of the world “outside” of ourselves.
I am also certified in yoga and meditation. I leverage the ancient and timeless principles from these traditions in conjunction with modern science and emergent insight from the Ishtara Method as I guide individuals and groups. You can learn more about me, my experiences, and full body of work here.