Amy Jubb, Independent Licensed Ishtara Teacher

Meet Amy
I am a daughter, mother, writer, dancer, therapist, guide and life-long student. I have come here to experience the fullness of life.
As a child I was consumed with my love for dance. My days revolved around ballet classes and preparing for what I hoped was a career in choreography and performing. However, a series of events occurred in my life and I slowly lost the intuitive connection with my body and the wisdom that lives within her. My anxiety became overwhelming as I shifted my attention away from dancing, and towards fitting in with my peers.
As a teenager, I turned to alcohol and anxiety medication to numb my fears and any discomfort I had within myself. This way of coping was unsustainable for me and I will be forever grateful that I found sobriety in my early 20s, where I surrendered to a new way of being. I knew I wanted more from life, and that the only way for me to experience it in its entirety would be if I removed the substances I relied upon. I began a path of spirituality at this time, which granted me a renewed sense of presence, passion, and purpose.
I dedicated my life to addiction recovery, and pursued an education in mental health. Having worked in numerous treatment centres, as well as in private practice, I have had the privilege to witness the beauty and resiliency that humans possess.
I married an incredible man and have two beautiful little boys. I grew my therapy practice and continued to immerse myself in every type of healing I could find. Although my life was beautiful in countless ways I could not escape the constant hum of anxiety. It was much quieter than it used to be but I began to think that the restless ache inside of me was just a core part of my being. I feared that I would never feel truly free.
Throughout my career I had gained a great deal of intellectual knowledge about psychology, spirituality and somatic healing, but it wasn’t until I was practicing with Ishtara that I experienced myself truly heal when the heaviness of my lifelong anxiety left me. The Ishtara Method and the love of the community helped guide me back to myself and reclaim what I thought I had lost - including my love for dance.
I have come to believe that the body is our connection to source, intuition, and to fully experiencing all that life is, free from old patterns and beliefs that don’t align with who we truly are. I have the utmost respect and love for this community and it is a privilege to be amongst my fellow Ishtara teachers in this journey of remembering truth - that we were always whole. It is an honor to dance alongside whoever feels called to join me in the evolving process of remembering who you came here to be.